Friday, January 10, 2014


YoBro (Webster Definition Pending)

1. Used when dropping a massive amount of information on someone who is oblivious to what is really taking place.
         Ex. "YoBro, I have Psoriatic Systemic Rheumatoid Arthritis, I take a lot of meds, I sometimes stay in the hospital, and you know, it's not a big deal...but I know all the nurses by name."

2. Used when certain topics or situations go too far.
    Ex. "YoBro, Did you actually just joke about marrying me? We've literally known each other for 3 days."

3. Used when people are just plain stupid.
    Ex. "YoBro, if you wanna flood your apartment: don't do it at 1am, don't set the fire alarm off, and for the love of EVERYONE that lives here...don't flood my apartment too."

4. Used when breaking up with someone
    Ex. "YoBro, I can feel things coming to an end soon. Do you feel it as well, or is it one of those it's not you, it's me things?"

5. Used as a greeting
    Ex. "YoBro, How you doing today?"

Yes, all of those examples have been tested and used!

My friends and I came up with this new word. We refer to it from time to time as "YoBroing". Normally they ask me if I have "YoBro'd" a guy after a few dates to see if I told him about my health issues. Normally...the answer is no.

This is my way to make light of my situation. I don't like to be so serious when I talk about my health problems (there are rare occasions when I do though). I find that if I don't make a big deal, they won't be as freaked out about it.

And trust me, I have a few stories where people have been freaked out...stay tuned for more :)

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