Friday, February 7, 2014

Just a spoonful of sugar

Contrary to popular belief, I'm sorry Mary, but a spoonful of sugar Does not help the medicine go down.

But before I get started on my latest post I want to apologize for being MIA.  It's not that I haven't had anything to write about, because I have a whole list, but Life stresses have gotten in the way of me writing.

Buuuttt I'm baaack!

So now that I've gotten the wonderful Mary poppins song in your head (this is my least favorite song in the entire world) let's talk about medicine.

Let me start by saying,

Hi my name is Kara and I'm an addict
(Y'all reply with Hi Kara) 

Now before you jump 2 spaces and pass go, hold on and let me explain what I mean by this.

I've been taking medicine for as long as I can remember. I became a pro pill swallower by the time I was 12 (that's totally a real thing) and if you think about it, my body has never gone more than 3 months without medicine in it.

With that being said, yes I'm an addict. But not because I need it, but because my body needs it.

I've tested this theory before. I know that I can't get off the 1 measly milligram of prednisone because if I do, I literally cannot function. My body decides it can't walk or move without it. 

That's what I mean when I say I'm an addict. My body needs to the medicine for my disease in order to survive.

Now some of you may be thinking, "oh this is all in her head" and you know, you have the right to believe that. 

But you're wrong. 

Sorry bout it.

That's my number one pet peeve. Never tell me "it's in your head"
It's not. 

I'm not going to go into that rant right now, I'll save that for a later post :)

The past few weeks I've been sick and I've been trying to avoid being sick. I've been on an antibiotic for a week and then tamiflu for 10 days to avoid the flu that's going around. 

Because of this, I've had to get off my shot.
I'm going on 3 weeks without the major medicine that helps me function.
How I'm still moving is unknown to me.

Actually, I know how. I've upped my prednisone. That's how I've survived. Losing one important medication means upping the other, so to say. 
You know it's bad when your doctor asks how you've survived this long and when you tell her how, she's still in awe. 

It amazes me the people that are on one or two meds for their disease because here I am sitting there with my grandma pill case popping 12+ pills a day and they don't even have to carry one of those around.

I realize they may not be as "deteriorated" as I am, but when you're allergic to every single thing out there except the one you're on and you can't take that because you're on a pill to help you get over a double ear's kind of annoying. 

I will say that some medicines knock you down before they build you back up and it would be crazy for me not to mention it since we're on the topic.

I've taken 2 rounds of chemo before because my counts were so low. It knocked me to my knees before I could get better. The same goes for friends I have out there and my papa.

The strongest person I know is being knocked down constantly by a medication that we all believe will help him. And you know what? He gets back up each and every time to fight for it because of that belief. 

So far it has been helping, thank goodness.

But that's a normal circumstance for people who take medications. We are constantly fighting the battle to keep our health in check and the medicines we take are our little toy soldiers. 

That was totally a corny example, but it painted the picture for you.

Sugar does not help the medicine go down. The belief that the medicine is going to work in doing it's job with the added benefit of actually taking the medicine...that's what helps the medicine go down in the most delightful way. 

You're going to be singing that song the rest of the night now.

You're welcome! 

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