Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Slow your roll

My break this summer was 2.5 weeks.
Technically it was like 3, but I had to be back early for school stuff (go figure).

During my break I went to California, had my 23rd birthday, hit up every single doctor I have, and then I got sick.

This is something that happens a lot to me because:
1. I have a next to nothing immune system annnnddd
2. I have what's called the Cawthon Luck, it runs in the family.

Over my so called break, I didn't slow down until I got sick.
This is normally how my body forces me to slow down, so I wasn't that surprised when I woke up a week ago with a sore throat.

I'm still congested.

Now, a normal regular human being wouldn't have to schedule every single doctor appointment in one week because they don't have that many doctors...they wouldn't have a cold (yes, a cold) for much longer than maybe 3 days...and they wouldn't have to be forced to slow down by their body.

But, as well all know...I'm not normal and I'm totally ok with that!

In order for me to rest, because I'm me and I don't have time to slow down (there are things to do and people to seeeee!!), my body will either stress itself out so much that it just stops working (a flareup) or I'll catch any little things that is floating around (I think I caught it from a 6 year old coughing 3 seats down from me on the plane).

I'm used to this, but it still sucks knowing that it could happen at any moment.
I'm supposed to take care of myself and get enough rest and eat healthy and blah blah blah...
Hahahahaha! I maybe do like one of those.

If you have an autoimmune disease, you know how easy it is to catch things.
There is literally no way to avoid it.
However, this year my roommate got the flu and I was out of the house within 15 minutes of her finding out...
I never got it.
That is NOT the Cawthon luck.
I don't know how I didn't get sick, but by golly it didn't happen.

Let me explain to you what happens when my body doesn't slow down.
You already know about the flareups (if not, go back a few posts and you'll see).

Your version of sick:

My version of sick:

No, I'm kidding...kind of!
For a person with no immune system, getting something as small as a cold makes them feel like they just got run over by a monster truck, hit in the head by a baseball bat, and then thrown into a freezing pool.

That's why if someone is sick, I try and stay away. Not because I don't want to be around them, but because my body is having a hard time trying to not kill itself, that it doesn't need to try and kill other germs.

I still love you guys though!

What's really funny, and I say this all the time, but I would rather have a flareup than have a cold.

I know, I know.
Why would you want to be stuck in bed unable to move instead of having a cold.
Well, because I know how to deal with that kind of pain.

I know that If I position my body a certain way, I can ummm, make it hurt less, well at least temporarily until the pain pill takes over.
With a cold...you can't breathe, can't sleep, can't numb it with a pain killer.
See my point?

I can't really avoid getting sick, but I can help prevent it.
I can slow my roll, stay away from those who I know are sick, and I can become a healthier human being by taking care of myself.

You can do all of these things tooo, it's not just for those who have a picket fence of an immune system instead of the great wall of china type.

So Slow your roll and don't stress about the things you can't control.
It will help your body out as well as your mind.

Disclaimer Note: I'm not a hypocrite, however while I know what you should do...that doesn't mean I'll always do it. You know good and well how hard it is to slow down when you're going 100 miles per hour a day. But, that doesn't mean we shouldn't try :) Here's to slowing our rolls together!!

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