Monday, January 20, 2014

It all comes to an end. (Knock on Wood)

I decided to go home this weekend thinking that if I did maybe my flare-up would get better or go away and I could get some rest. 

That didn't happen.

So it started Friday when my brother came to meet me where I live so we could ride together home (he had already driven 2 hours, so it was only fair that I did). 

I don't know if you know this, but I quickly figured out that when having a flare-up, don't drive 2 hours. 
My body was exhausted by the time we reached our house.
Exhausted from doing what?! 
And not the traffic jam, horns beeping, in and out type driving. Just cruising 80 mph down the interstate. 
And I was exhausted. 

I went to bed at 7:30 that night...and every night that I was home.

Saturday I actually went out with the family but I think I cried about 15 times that day (silently to myself, of course) wanting to go home and just get in my pjs and crawl in bed.

Once again, I went to bed at 7:30.

Sunday was the day things started happening. And by happening, I mean I laid in bed all day long until my mother came to check on me. Only then did she realize that I was running a 102 fever and had been presenting flu symptoms for a week now.

We went to emergicare and needless to say, I was negative for the flu...but I had a double ear infection, a fever that wouldn't go away, and the WORST flare-up I've had in 2 years (the total running time for it being 2 weeks and a day).

Let me fill you in a little bit.

1. I can't get the flu shot because of the medications I'm on. But if you have an autoimmune disease or are new to the club, you need to get a shot. Because A: you will get the flu if you don't get one and B: you probably might get the flu if you do. Welcome to the crappy immune system club, meetings are once a month in the Emergency room of your local hospital! (see, that's a joke there because ER's have the most germs and we really don't have immune systems lol! <- yes, I just laughed at my own joke). 

2. If you are sick and want to "rest" don't go home. You won't rest. Stay where you currently live, lock your doors, and watch netflix all day. 

3. You're mother will always, no matter what take care of you....even if she swears on everyone's lives that you have the flu when you don't....she will still take care of you. 

4. Don't drive when you're sick. (this should be a no brainer, kinda like the cutting the lemon when your hands don't work...but I tend to learn the hard way)

and last but not least....

5. If you want to know what a really really bad flare-up feels feels like the flu with a dash of the tin man-ness, and a splash of "literally not being able to lift yourself out of bed because you have bricks tied to your body". That's really the best description I can give you. The whole, "pain scale" and "is it throbbing pain or sharp pain" crap just doesn't cut it for me.

In the end, I got an antibiotic and my fever hasn't come back. My flare-up is on it's way out the door and on the next bus out of town (knock on wood). 

Good Riddance. 

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