Now I know the title of the post is a little weird, but it goes with the story so just hang on and it'll make sense!
So I'm not the type of girl that's been in tons of relationships...actually I've only been in about 2 serious ones. This is not the story of a serious relationship though. This is a story of a "3 dates you're out" guy.
I was a senior in college at the time and I had just started talking to this guy. He was great and nice and I started to like him. The first date went great and we decided to go on a second one. Things were starting to look up and I was really falling for him...
Then I decided to YoBro him. I figured if I liked this guy enough he should know what he was getting into. He took it a lot better than I had expected him to take was what came next that I was shocked about and immediately (I at least waited until he paid for my meal) ran for the door. He started asking questions like if I had thought about kids, when did I want them, were they going to be sick too, how would I take care of them, he said that he wanted kids, we (YES HE SAID WE) could adopt if we (ONCE AGAIN THE "WE") ever got married, and it went on and on and on.
As I was running (More like briskly walking) to my car he said that he hoped he hadn't scared me off by all the serious talk. And here I was thinking I was gonna scare him off, but nope. No way. That didn't happen. He said he liked me a lot, could see a future with me, and wanted to know if I wanted to date him officially.
He asked me to be his girlfriend after, let me say it again...AFTER he talked about having kids with me.
Here's where the broken heart comes into play.
I dumped him then and there.
Like, If you can dump a guy that you weren't dating...I did it.
I told him that I wasn't ready for a serious commitment and that I appreciated how he understood my medical conditions, but that I didn't think it was gonna work.
I learned a few things from that guy. I learned:
1. Not to YoBro a guy until you're sure he's not insane
2. That when babies are brought up anytime before you have dated him for a while...I'm talking like a loooonnnggg should RUN.
3. Always, Always tell them you appreciate them for understanding your health conditions because if they happen to date a girl in the future that has them, you want that guy to respect her. Even if he was dumped in the parking lot of an olive garden by a girl who had a health issue he couldn't even pronounce.
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