It looked nice and fancy with the tabs, so I figured, why not?
Actually, I had to do a blog for one of my classes and I decided to incorporate some of those ideas for my personal blog.
So here are a few facts about me:
- I'm a counseling psychology doctoral student at FSU, go Noles!
- I LOVE playing with legos (ask me and I'll show you pictures)
- I always eat a few pieces of cereal from the box before I pour it in my bowl
- I'm Taylor Swift's Biggest fan (if you don't believe me, please challenge me, I'll win)
- I'm a Disney Freak, one of the Doctor's future companions, a member of the Criminal Mind's BAU, a marvel superhero in training, and a potterhead
- I'm a goody-goody (one of my professors nicknamed me Sandra Dee)
- I love sports (Steelers, Braves, Seminoles, and all things basketball)
- I want to be a Disney princess
- I'm a Mac n Cheese Connoisseur
- I'm in love with Ryan Gosling and want Anna Kendrick to be my best friend.
- I can rap
- I have a service dog name Adele :)

And the most important fact that you need to know about me is that I love helping others. Whether it be through sharing my story of how I have a chronic illness (Yeah I didn't put that in the facts, figured it would be pretty obvious) or it be through providing them with information or just me hanging out with them...I love helping others.
So there's a little bit about me, a lot of it you should already know from reading my blogs, but it's now in it's own pretty little tab all nice and organized :)
Have fun!!
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