Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

There are 3 main things that you need to get through life with an Autoimmune disease.
Those three things are: Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust.

The first thing you need is Faith.

1. Faith in God (if you don't believe in God then substitute whatever you believe in here).
2. Faith in yourself (because yes, you do need to believe that you can fight and overcome this disease in order to get out of bed in the morning).

If you have faith, not only does it make things a lot easier, but it makes life worth living. If you don't believe in something, how do you get through the day? What's your purpose?

For me, I believe in God. I believe that he gave me this disease to use it to help others.
He gave this to me, because he believed that I was strong enough to handle it.

Do I believe that I'm strong enough? Not all the time, I have my bad days and my good days.
You can ask anyone who goes through this that there are days when you want to give up.
But you don't.
Wanna know why?
Because they have faith.

The second thing is Trust.

You need to trust your doctors, your family, and your friends.
You never know if you're going to wake up one morning and need their help getting dressed in the morning or driving you to class.

You need to trust that they are going to be there.
Because they will. They love you and they will do whatever they can to help.

If they don't, I'm here.

You have to trust that the doctors are making the right decision in the choice of medications that they want to try.
You also need to trust your family to tell you their opinions when you need to hear it, specifically when it comes to medications or whether or not they think the doctor you're seeing is a wacko when she walks into the room in what looks like a tutu and no makeup on.

Trust them. They'll be there to catch you when you fall.

Last but not least, you need a little Pixie Dust.

Ok, so it's not legit Pixie dust. If I had some of that wonderful stuff I would be flying around instead of casually limping from place to place.

Let's think of our medicine as pixie dust, it's magical and wonderful at the same time!
I know it's really not as exciting as I'm making it sound (unless you really really know me and have seen me on some of my really painful nights when I take the really good pixie dust), but you need those to walk and move just like you would hypothetically need pixie dust to fly.

So, it all works out in the end.

Just remember, all you need is a little Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust :)

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