Enjoy the show!
So this was me this week. My Monday started off pretty crappy, Tuesday was even worse, and Wednesday was just a roller coaster of emotions kind of day. Imagine me, as Taylor...because why would I be anyone else...and the world and all it's problems is the sheet falling on her head.
Yes, the world was mean this week. It fell hard on my head. Dude, life can be stressful at times. Sometimes the world does this to us. It sees just how much stress we can take in so many hours. I have the benefits of having a disability on top of that (not that it really affected me much this week), but never fear, you can always count on Taylor to make things better.
As you can see here, Taylor has no idea what she's doing. This was much like my Monday. Coming back from the weekend and everything just hits you in the face. BAM! You're blindsided and now you've got to make decisions from work to school to homework and it's just crazy. The people behind me, I mean, Taylor, are my fellow graduate student friends falling down and covering their faces because they feel it too.
The next day wasn't any better. You can see by the look on Taylor's face that she's just like, "really?! I mean, Come on". But you keep composure and you do what you have to do to make everyone happy. You fight off the stress because you can handle it, you've done it before, it's got nothing on you!
This is what takes place, mentally lol! While on the outside you're composed and in control....on the inside you just wanna scream. It's funny because I've used another GIF in a previous post about what was going on mentally...that time it was for a flare up...this time it's for a stressful day :)
But really, we ALL want to do this from time to time, but we don't because we know better than to scream at somebody because he was just being an inconsiderate idiot or because your supervisor yelled at you...so you just wanna yell at someone else lol! It's the circle of life guys...it really does move us all!
This day was just an up and down emotional mess lol! From dealing with schools, having dance battles to forget you by Ceelo Green, ignoring rude arrogant people because you can, and just work until it's dark outside....you just tend to well....look just like that. You're a crazy hott mess and you've just decided that it's ok! But then, it hits you...what happens next???
So now to really get to the point of this post, what's one way to handle all of the stress???
Well I'm glad you asked because by Thursday I had decided that the best way to do it was to make a playlist and just.....
I'm laughing as I'm writing this guys. I was in tears laughing because of how ridiculous this post has been so far. But you know what....Haters gonna hate, hate, hate. But really...i'm sorry, kind of!
You really do feel better when you just have a 30 second dance party though. I mean if you watch Grey's Anatomy, that's one thing they teach you :)
But really, on a serious note. How do we handle the stressors of everyday life?
Coping skills are a great thing. They stress this in our program. It's not just for those who have disabilities or anxiety, it's for everyone. I'm going to be putting up some community resources soon on my page, so be sure to look out for it. Go check out my other blog and of course I'll throw in some links to some friend's blogs about how you can do deep breathing, or mindfulness techniques, or anything really (I used humor above and you can't tell me you didn't smile or roll your eyes...because if you know me, you would think "this is something Kara would totally do" and you're right)! You have to have go to's for when you get stressed.
I know I've talked about it on here before, so it might sound like I'm beating it to the ground, however it's really important. Especially if you have a chronic illness. Stress just adds to the pain and makes it worse. But it's so hard in the world today to not deal with an insane amount of stress all the time.
I literally worked out every single day for a week and a half just so I could make myself so tired that my brain would stop thinking.
That's sad, but it's also life. So in order to deal with that, we create our own little knights who help us ward off the evils of intoxicating overwhelming stress.
I know it's cliche', but really, you just have to find your own way to....
Shake it off :)
Here are some helpful links that have posts that talk about coping skills and ways in which you can de-stress!
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